Open Letters from Accrediting Bodies

AHRQ's rulemaking provides that hospitals may share protected RCAs and other patient safety work product with an accrediting body to work in a confidential safety culture to improve the quality of the processes and patient care. (42 CFR 3.206(b)(8)). The accrediting body must keep the Patient Safety Work Product (PSWP) privileged and confidential.   Several accrediting bodies have provided AQIPS and their accredited providers a "Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Statement" pledging to honor the privilege and confidentiality protections of the Patient Safety Act.  Many providers who have worked with the accrediting bodies in a confidential safety culture have stated that it is great program and that they have improved their processes as a result of this relationship.  We recommend as a best practice that the surveyor sign the accrediting body statement to document the disclosure of the PSWP, but it is not required under the law.  
The Joint Commission's Patient Safety Letter can be found here.
URAC Open Letter to Providers Participating in a PSO can be found here.
HFAC Letter to Providers participating in a PSO can be found here.

The future of medical necessity peer review: The Patient Safety Act

This article explains how to use the Patient Safety Act to create a learning system to Build an effective medical necessity surveillance system to improve care quality, detect variances in patient care, and reduce healthcare costs.

The Patient Safety Evaluation System: Building an even safer healthcare system

This article discusses how to use a PSES with integrated care models, centralize peer review and new quality performance data tools to confidentially share create high-reliability in healthcare. 

Using PSO protections to enhance the effectiveness of clinical registries 

This article highlights how PSWP in registries can be granted immunity from lawsuit and how confidential comparative hospital performance data can be shared with the registry member community.